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Family facing kidney cancer supports other families with cancer
Barely six months into their own cancer journey, a family from Sydney is participating in Redkite’s Crunch 4 Kids with Cancer challenge, to help other families like theirs.
When two-year-old Lincoln Rennie was diagnosed with Wilms’ tumour, a form of kidney cancer, when he was just a year old, his family’s world came crashing down around them.
Lincy’s Journey is the stomach-crunching squad of Lincoln’s family members, taking on the Redkite’s Crunch 4 Kids challenge.
“Redkite was one of the first charities that visited us in hospital after Lincoln had his right kidney removed,” Kadison Tarawa, Lincoln’s mother, said.
“When Redkite visited us in hospital they provided us with a Red Bag that was full of useful items to help us through the next few months.
We were blown away by the support from Redkite and we as a family have the urge to want to help the next family and child who will be diagnosed with cancer.
Redkite’s 20-day stomach-crunching challenge encourages participants to set their own crunch and fundraising goals and can do the challenge solo or recruit their own team.
Lincy’s dad, Reubenn, 54-year-old grandmother, Tania, aunties Makayla and Shavaun, and uncle Brad are all proud Lincy’s Journey squad members.
Redkite provides essential support such as free online, video and phone counselling, financial assistance to families, as well as funding music therapists and social workers in children’s cancer wards around the country.

Over the last year, Redkite has supported approximately 600 New South Wales families facing cancer.
Redkite CEO, Monique Keighery said she was looking forward to seeing families from around the country take part in the challenge in their home gyms or on their living room floors.
“Redkite’s Crunch 4 Kids not only encourages people to do something fun as a family or individually that is positive for their physical and mental health, but everyone who participates in the challenge is saying to kids with cancer ‘we’re on your team!’
“Every crunch crunched, and every dollar raised, will help provide essential support to kids with cancer and their families.
“This support has never been more critical. As if cancer wasn’t already tough enough, COVID-19 has put additional emotional and financial pressure on these families and the stories are heartbreaking.
“In April, the Redkite community-based support team delivered 60% more support sessions than the 2019 monthly average – it’s the generosity of local communities and businesses that is making this possible,” Ms Keighery said.
Kadison encouraged everyone to join their team.
“All it will take is a couple of minutes of your day to do this challenge, which will help so many other families like ours face cancer,” she said.
Lincy’s Journey has already raised $1000 for Redkite.
Let’s get started
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