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myRedkite User Guide for families

The myRedkite portal allows families to access the services they need, whenever they need them.

Section 1: myRedkite Sign-Up and Account

To access the myRedkite portal go to https://my.redkite.org.au and enter your username and password. Your username will be your email address.

Step 1: Go to the myRedkite website

Go to https://my.redkite.org.au, select “Create account” and fill in your details.

(Please note that myRedkite portal is not compatible with Internet Explorer, we recommend using web browsers such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or Safari)

Step 2: Set your password

You will receive an email to set your password for the first time. Follow the link in the email and choose your password.

Step 3: Login for the first time

Once you have chosen your password, you will be logged straight into the portal for the first time and will be taken through an introduction to myRedkite.

Step 4: Fill out your profile

You will then be directed to your profile page. Please fill out as much information as you can so that we can offer you the services that are most relevant for you.

Keep your details up to date by selecting the “My Profile” button on the dashboard. We recommend that you regularly check your details in the portal to ensure that we have the right information on the system, especially in regard to a child’s treatment status, so that we can continue providing relevant services.

Step 5: Go to your Dashboard

Once you’ve finished filling out your profile, click “Submit”. A pop up will appear. Click “Back to dashboard”.

Your account is all set up!

On the myRedkite login page, click “Forgot your password?” and follow the steps to reset your password. Please do not create a new account. If you are having issues with resetting your password, please email support@redkite.org.au.

On your profile page, you will be asked whether you would like to provide your hospital’s oncology social work department with access to your account to assist you with navigating the portal and accessing services. You will be able to select your preferred primary Hospital Based Health Professional (HBHP) to access to your account. You can change the permission setting at any time.

You will receive email notifications to keep you up to date regarding the services you are accessing. Be sure to keep an eye out for these notifications when you have completed an action on the portal.

Your Dashboard is your myRedkite account home page. The services displayed on your dashboard will change depending on what stage you are at in the cancer experience. This is to make sure we’re always showing you the services most relevant for you.

If you have any questions on your dashboard or the services that are showing for you, please contact our support team on 1800 REDKITE or support@redkite.org.au.

If you are experiencing a technical issue using the myRedkite portal, please send us an email (rkservices@redkite.org.au) with the subject line – “myRedkite”. Include a description of the issue and if possible, a screenshot of the problem you are experiencing. 

Redkite adheres to the latest privacy and consent regulations.  For more information on our privacy notice and consent terms, please view our Privacy Notice.

If you have any questions or feedback regarding the myRedkite portal, please call 1800 REDKITE or email rkservices@redkite.org.au.

Section 2: Request a Call Back

If you don’t have time to talk to our support team now, you can book in a time for them to call you back.

  1. Log in to myRedkite.
  2. If you are on a mobile, click the hamburger menu (the three lines in the top right corner) to open the navigation bar. If you are on a desktop, you will see ‘Request call back’ in the menu on the top right-hand-side of your screen.
  3. Select ‘Request call back’ in the navigation bar.
  4. Choose the date and time you would like to speak to us. Please note, you must select a date before you can look at the available times for that day. All times are in AEST. Please make sure you convert this to your time zone, especially if your state is currently using daylight savings time.
  5. Check your phone number is correct or choose the option to have us a call you on a different number.
  6. Let us know what you’d like to talk about. This will help our team be more prepared for the call.
  7. Click Submit. You will receive an email to confirm the date and time of your call.

Section 3: Financial Assistance Program

myRedkite allows you to:

  1. Apply for Financial Assistance online.
  2. Easily view the amount of financial assistance you have accessed, how much is left and how long it is available for.
  3. Upload a bill and view previously uploaded bills.
  4. Request a Coles Grocery Voucher or Coles Express Fuel Voucher.
  5. Request further assistance.

For more information on Redkite’s Financial Assistance Program, including eligibility, how much financial assistance we can offer, and what we can pay for, please visit the Financial Assistance Program page.

  1. After creating your account and completing your profile, go to your dashboard.
  2. Click “Financial Assistance”. 
  3. Complete the form. Some details will already be filled in based on the information you have previously provided.
  4. For the question “Is there anyone outside of your household who may access funding on behalf of the child?”, you should only answer yes if you are a split family (i.e. divorced or separated). Please note there is only one set of funding per diagnosed child. 
  5. Your information will be sent to the Hospital Based Health Professional named in the form to confirm your diagnosis. You will receive an email once it is confirmed and will then be able to access your New Diagnosis Assistance funds.

If your child’s diagnosis was over 6 months ago, instead of receiving the New Diagnosis Assistance funding you will instead be prompted to apply for Primary Financial Assistance through the “Check eligibility” tile once your diagnosis has been confirmed.

  1. On your dashboard, click “Financial Assistance”. If you have applied for financial assistance before, skip to step 3.
  2. If this is the first time you’re applying for financial assistance, please complete the form. Some details will already be filled in based on the information you have previously provided. Your information will be sent to the Hospital Based Health Professional named in the form to confirm your diagnosis. You will receive an email once it is confirmed. Please sign in to the portal and click the “Financial Assistance” tile.
  3. Please look for the tile with the title “Further Assistance”. Click “Check eligibility”.
  4. Complete the form and click “Submit”. Some details will already be filled in based on the information you have previously provided.
  5. Once we have checked your information, you will receive an email to update you on your application.

  1. On your dashboard, click “Financial Assistance”.
  2. Please look for the tile with the title “Further Assistance”. Click “Check eligibility”.
  3. Higher Financial Assistance is assessed over the phone rather than with an online form, so you can select two dates and either morning or afternoon for each for a phone call with a Redkite Social Worker.
  4. Submit the form with your preferred options, and we will give you a call during one of those times.

You will receive email notifications to confirm if/when funding is available. Once you receive an email, login to myRedkite and click the “Financial Assistance” tile. You will see a red bar in the top right corner to show how much funding is remaining and when it must be used by. You will see tiles to “Select a voucher” or “Upload a new bill” (please note that uploading bills is not available for the New Diagnosis Assistance).

Two types of vouchers can be requested from myRedkite:

  • Coles Grocery Voucher, which is an e-voucher sent to your email address. 
  • Shell Fuel Voucher, which is an e-voucher sent to your email address.

If you are using Coles e-vouchers, you can click “Check my balance” on the voucher tile to see how much is left on your voucher. This will take you to an external website where you can enter the voucher number and pin. This information will be in the email you received containing the voucher.

Note: There is a maximum of $200 per week that can be accessed in vouchers and an overall limit of $500 of your total Primary or Higher Financial Assistance funds that can be used on vouchers. 

To request a voucher:

  1. On your dashboard, click “Financial Assistance”.
  2. Click “Select a voucher”.
  3. Select the voucher type you would like and the amount, then click “Next”. 
  4. Review your details and if the information is correct, click “Submit”. If you need the Coles Grocery Voucher or Shell Fuel Vouchers posted, tick that box and enter the one-off delivery address into the new field.
  5. You will receive an email notification regarding the vouchers as our team is processing them.  

We acknowledge that financial hardship can vary at different stages of the cancer journey. As part of Primary and Higher Financial Assistance, you can access assistance for your household bills with a few simple steps. 

If you have assistance available to use on bills: 

  1. Select “Upload a new bill”. 
  2. Make sure to have your bill on hand as you will need to fill in all the required payment details. You can select for Redkite to pay all or a portion of your bill, depending on your available balance. 
  3. Check your home address is correct and matches the address on the bill. If not, there is a section to indicate why. 
  4. Upload a photo or file of your bill – make sure you upload all pages
  5. Click next, check all the details are correct and hit Submit. Please note: the upload can take a few minutes if the file size is large. Do not refresh your screen while it is uploading. 

You will receive email notifications to confirm your bill has been uploaded, when it has been approved for payment, and then when it has been paid.

You can also view a history of the bills you have submitted and see their status by selecting “See all bills” on the dashboard.  See where it’s at, if it’s pending approval or if it’s been paid. 

Section 4: Dare to Dream Scholarship

From 2023, applications for the Dare to Dream Scholarship will be accepted through myRedkite.

For more information on the Redkite and Coles Dare to Dream Scholarship, including eligibility, the application process, and what the scholarship can be used for, please visit the Dare to Dream Scholarship page.

Applications are open for a limited time each year. If they are not open, you will be able to click “Subscribe” to receive email updates for when applications are open again. 

Step 1: Click the Dare to Dream tile in your Dashboard

Login to myRedkite and go to your dashboard. Click “Learn more” on the Dare to Dream Scholarship tile.

Step 2: Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click “Apply now”

You will be taken to a page with the title “Redkite and Coles Dare to Dream Scholarship” and a brief description of the program.

Please scroll down to the bottom of the page and you will see the “Apply now” button. Please click this to be taken to the application form.

Step 3: Start filling out the application form

The application form has three pages to complete. The first page asks for personal details, including background and diagnosis information.

The second page is where you answer the main application questions (these can be uploaded in the form of text or a video attachment).

The final page is for a referee to provide a reference (you can type the reference in the area provided or upload an attachment), and where we ask for consent regarding the scholarship Terms and Conditions.

A parent will need to provide their name and phone number as a digital signature unless the applicant is 18 in which case, they can consent themselves. 

Tip: You can save your progress and complete the application later

The application form has three pages to complete. Once you complete the first page and click “Confirm and proceed”, you will be directed to the second page. From here you will be able to save your progress and come back to finish the application later if you need to.

Step 4: Submit your application

Once you complete the full form, click “Confirm and submit” on page three. You will be taken to a page that confirms that we have received your application.

Once the form is submitted there is nothing further needed – Redkite will be in touch by email to let you know how the application is progressing.

If the Dare to Dream Scholarship tile does not appear on your Dashboard, please go to “My Profile” and check that all of your information is up to date. Please change any information necessary and click “Submit”. Then go back to your Dashboard.

If it still does not appear for you, please contact us.

Eligible teenagers are encouraged to set up their own myRedkite accounts to complete their application form. They can do this by:

  1. Accepting an invitation from a parent
  2. Visiting https://my.redkite.org.au, and clicking “Create account”.

If they are unable set up their own account, they will be able to submit their application form through a parent’s account. We encourage the applicant to answer the questions themselves.

If you are awarded a scholarship, the scholarship funds will be managed through myRedkite. You will be able to upload invoices or receipts for payment/reimbursement. 

To access your scholarship funds:

  1. Click on the “Dare to Dream Funds” tile.  You will then be able to see how much funding is available in the red bar at the top.
  2. Select “Learn more” and choose whether to upload a receipt or invoice.  Make sure to have your receipt or invoice on hand as you will need to fill in all the required payment details. You can ask Redkite to pay the whole amount or a portion, depending on your available balance. 
  3. Upload a photo or file of your invoice or receipt – make sure you upload all pages. If it’s a receipt, you will also need to upload your bank statement showing the account details, including your name.
  4. Click “Submit”. The upload can take a few minutes if the file size is large. Do not refresh your screen while it is uploading.
  5. Once the receipt or invoice has been uploaded you will receive email updates to confirm its status.

Note: A receipt is for an item already purchased and Redkite will reimburse you directly. A bank statement showing the bank details will be required as part of this form. The bank statement DOES NOT need to show all the transactions. A screenshot of the details at the top is fine. An invoice is for Redkite to pay a supplier directly and can be made to you or to Redkite.

Please also note, scholarship funding is only available through a teenager’s account, meaning a parent cannot access Dare to Dream funding through their account. If the teen recipient does not have a myRedkite account, you will need to send invoices and/or receipts to scholarships@redkite.org.au instead. We will only reimburse a teen for payments, not a parent.

Section 5: Refresh Kids’ Eating & Redkite Music Box

Redkite’s informative online programs help parents, carers, children and teens with a range of challenges, including healthy eating and using music to cope with the emotional impact of cancer. They are available on myRedkite and can be accessed on phones, tablets and computers.

Step 1: Click the Refresh Kids’ Eating or Redkite Music Box tiles on your Dashboard

Login to myRedkite and go to your dashboard. Click “Learn more” on the Refresh Kids’ Eating or Redkite Music Box tile (if you are on mobile, you will need to scroll down to see it).

Step 2: Click “Login with myRedkite”

This will take you to the programs without you having to type in your login details again.

Step 3: You will be taken to the programs home page

Click ‘Start here’ on the program you’d like to explore. Scroll down to watch the introduction video or go straight to the information by clicking “Start learning”. If you’re using a mobile, you can also navigate through the site by clicking the “hamburger” menu (three lines on the top right of the screen).

Refresh Kids’ Eating

The main content of Refresh Kids’ Eating is organised into three sections under “Resources”. We recommend starting with Section 1 and working your way through the content in order, however you are able to jump around and access any of the content at any time.

Redkite Music Box

The Redkite Music Box program is designed to help you and your family whenever you are at home between hospital visits or after treatment is finished. Even when your child is in hospital, you can use this resource along with the therapeutic activities offered by your registered music therapist.

You can read the content and do the activities in any order, at any point in time as it suits you or your children.

Adding content to your favourites

On each content page in the programs (e.g. learn pages, recipes or activities), you can see a blue button that says “Add to favourite” on the bottom right-hand corner of the page.

Clicking “Add to favourites” on a page will save this section for quick reference on the “My Favourites” page.

Section 6: Group Support

Redkite’s Group Support gives families all around Australia a chance to connect with people in a similar situation to talk about the unique challenges specific to childhood cancer. Group registrations are managed through your myRedkite account.

For more information on the Group Support Redkite offers, please visit the Group Support page.

  1. Click the “Group Support” tile on your dashboard.
  2. Select “View” on a group type, then browse the specific groups available and click “Learn more” on your chosen group.
  3. Click “Register now” and submit the registration form. Some details will already be filled in based on the information you have previously provided. While we are doing this, if there are any other groups you’d like to join you can simply click “Register now” to add them to your list without needing to submit the form again. 
  4. Our team will check your details and then confirm with you by email.
  5. You will receive an email notification once you have been added to the group. Next time you log in and click “Group Support”, you will see My Groups at the top of the page. 
  6. You are still able to join other groups whenever you’d like, simply scroll down the page to browse other groups again.

Note: all events times in myRedkite are shown in AEST. 

  1. Once you have been added to a group, an option to RSVP will appear (note, when you join a group for the first time you will be automatically RSVP-ed to the next event to make things easier). You cannot RSVP for an event until you are a member of the group.
  2. If you would like to attend, click “RSVP”. You will then see a confirmation screen and be able to add an event reminder to your calendar. Note, this screen and the calendar invite will have been converted to your timezone. 
  3. We will send you a Zoom link by email the day before the event. If it is your first time attending an event, one of the hosts may get in touch before the event to give you a bit more information and answer any questions you may have. 

If you no longer want to attend an event you have submitted an RSVP for, click “Leave event” in your “My Groups” list.

If you no longer want to attend any groups under a certain topic (for example, the Connect Group for Grandparents), click “View Group” in your My Groups list, then “Leave group” in the white box. You do not need to remove your RSVP for specific events if you are leaving the group. This type of group will no longer appear in your “My Groups” section.

To join an upcoming Cascade program:

  1. Click on “Group Support”. Choose the “Cascade” tile, then “Register now”. If there’s no scheduled series you will instead be able to click “Subscribe” so we can let you know by email when registrations are open again.
  2. Complete and submit the registration form. Some details will already be filled in based on the information you have previously provided.
  3. Our team will review your registration and then send more details by email.
  4. Note, your Cascade sessions will not appear in the “My Groups” list. All communication for Cascade will be done by email. 

If you see a group you think someone in your family would be interested in then you can invite them to set up their own myRedkite account so they can register themselves. To do this:

  1. Click “Register now” on the group information page, then “Registering for someone else?” in the top right. 
  2. Enter their name, email and confirm if they live with you or not, then click “Send invite”. Note, if you are living separately due to treatment but would usually live together, you can select “Yes”.
  3. They will receive an email to activate their myRedkite account. The link in the email will be active for 24 hours. If they miss this timeframe they can still activate their login but will need to click “Forgot password?” on the login page and follow the instructions. They can then login and access the services relevant to them. They will still need to complete a group registration form with their details.

Section 7: Book Club

Redkite’s Book Club program allows anyone affected by childhood cancer to borrow books that can help them throughout the cancer experience for free. You can order books through myRedkite.

For more information on the Book Club program, please visit the Book Club page.

  1. Click the “Book Club” tile on your dashboard. This will take you to our library where you will see all our books and can watch an explainer video to learn more about Book Club.
  2. You can use the filters to search for different types of books, e.g. books for young siblings, or books about finishing treatment. You can add multiple filters at once to see more options.
  3. Choose a book tile to see more information about that book, including any ratings or reviews from other families.

  1. Click the tile of the book you would like to order.
  2. On the book information page, click “Order a copy”.
  3. You can either confirm delivery to your home address, or tick the box “Do you want your book sent to a different address than your home address?” to enter a one-off delivery address, e.g. the hospital.
  4. If there are any other books you’d like to order, you can add their titles in the text box titled “Are there any other topics or books are you interested in?”, or enter a topic and our team can send other relevant books, e.g. other books about feeling angry.
  5. Click Submit. You can order as many books as you like by following these steps again.
  6. Our team will send you an email with a tracking number once your order has been dispatched.

  1. Once you have a read a book, you can leave a rating and review to help other families when they are choosing books. To do this, log back into myRedkite and select the “Book Club” tile again.
  2. Choose the book you would like to review, and select “Review Book” on the book information page. Please note, this button will only show up if you have previously ordered the book from Redkite.
  3. You can leave a star rating and/or write a review. Please note that all reviews need to be checked by our team before they are published so it will not appear immediately. Reviews are anonymous but will show your role, e.g. Mum, Dad, Grandparent.

Section 8: Bereavement – Funeral Grants

Once your child’s treatment status has been updated to died, the “Bereavement Support” tile will appear. You or your Hospital Based Health Professional can update this on your profile page, or you can contact Redkite directly.

For more information on Redkite’s Bereavement services, including Funeral Grants, please visit the Bereavement Support page.

You or your Hospital Based Health Professional can upload an invoice for funeral costs and Redkite can pay the Funeral Director up to $1,500. 

  1. Click “Funeral Grant”.
  2. Make sure to have your bill on hand as you will need to fill in all the required payment details. 
  3. Check your home address is correct and matches the address on the bill. If not, there is a section to indicate why. 
  4. Upload a photo or file of your bill – make sure you upload all pages. 
  5. If you need to submit another bill, you can click “Add another bill” and enter the details. 
  6. Click “Submit”. Please note: the upload can take a few minutes if the file size is large. Do not refresh your screen while it is uploading.
  7. You will receive email notifications once your bill has been received, approved for payment, and paid.

Section 9: Bereavement Packs

Redkite’s Bereavement Pack is our offer of care to you and your family. The books in this pack share the experiences of other bereaved parents in their own words to support you.

For more information on Redkite’s Bereavement services, including Bereavement Packs, please visit the Bereavement Support page.

You or your Hospital Based Health Professional can request a Bereavement Pack through myRedkite. To order a pack: 

  1. Click the “Order a Bereavement Pack” tile.
  2. If your home address is where we should send it to, click “Confirm”. 
  3. If you need the pack sent somewhere else as a one-off delivery, select that check box and enter the address into the new text field. Click “Confirm”.
  4. We will send you an email to confirm we have received the request and one of our social workers will reach out to you roughly two weeks later to check-in.

Section 10: Bereavement – Group Support

Group Support for bereaved families is available under the “Group Support” tile on the main dashboard. To join a group, follow the instructions in the Group Support section on this page.

For more information on Redkite’s Bereavement services, including Group Support for bereaved families, please visit the Bereavement Support page.

Request information And support

We’re ready to help. Please call us on 1800 REDKITE (Mon – Fri 9am – 7pm AEST), or fill out the form below.

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