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Category: Relationships


A guide for grandparents of children affected by childhood cancer

This booklet answers some of the many questions which grandparents of children with cancer told Redkite they would have liked answered when their grandchild was diagnosed and during their grandchild’s treatment phase.

A guide for grandparents of children affected by childhood cancer

This booklet answers some of the many questions which grandparents of children with cancer told Redkite they would have liked answered when their grandchild was diagnosed and during their grandchild’s treatment phase.

Life post cancer it's not always a celebration


Post cancer treatment: It’s not always a celebration

It’s natural to think that once cancer treatment is over, the child is in the clear and it’s time for celebration. For the family, that is not always the case.

Post cancer treatment: It’s not always a celebration

It’s natural to think that once cancer treatment is over, the child is in the clear and it’s time for celebration. For the family, that is not always the case.

Woman being a supportive friend to a parent of a child with cancer | Redkite


How to be a supportive friend to parents of a child with cancer

From diagnosis to end of treatment and beyond, parents and carers looking after a child with cancer often have limited time to socialise, however, you can play an important role in helping to keep some normality in their lives.

How to be a supportive friend to parents of a child with cancer

From diagnosis to end of treatment and beyond, parents and carers looking after a child with cancer often have limited time to socialise, however, you can play an important role in helping to keep some normality in their lives.


Taking care of your marriage when your child has cancer 

Parents face many challenges when their child is diagnosed with cancer. This article helps you to find ways of staying connected and supporting each other in your relationship.  

Taking care of your marriage when your child has cancer 

Parents face many challenges when their child is diagnosed with cancer. This article helps you to find ways of staying connected and supporting each other in your relationship.  


Bullying and childhood cancer

A child or teenager who has been diagnosed with cancer will go through treatment and as a result, can look different to what looked like before diagnosis. We look at how they might be the target of bullying and what you can do to help.

Bullying and childhood cancer

A child or teenager who has been diagnosed with cancer will go through treatment and as a result, can look different to what looked like before diagnosis. We look at how they might be the target of bullying and what you can do to help.


Caring for a Child with Cancer: What It’s Really Like

Everything changes when a child is diagnosed with cancer. Suddenly, a family must focus all their attention on caring for their sick child.

Caring for a Child with Cancer: What It’s Really Like

Everything changes when a child is diagnosed with cancer. Suddenly, a family must focus all their attention on caring for their sick child.

Childhood cancer: A father's perspective


Childhood cancer: A father’s perspective

Depending on their role, each person in a family is affected by childhood cancer differently. This article outlines some of the common experiences dads can face during their child’s cancer experience.

Childhood cancer: A father’s perspective

Depending on their role, each person in a family is affected by childhood cancer differently. This article outlines some of the common experiences dads can face during their child’s cancer experience.


Childhood cancer: A mother’s perspective

What happens to mothers when their child is diagnosed with cancer? While each story is different, below we’ve outlined some common experiences mothers can face throughout their child’s cancer experience.

Childhood cancer: A mother’s perspective

What happens to mothers when their child is diagnosed with cancer? While each story is different, below we’ve outlined some common experiences mothers can face throughout their child’s cancer experience.


The Value of Coffee Groups

Redkite’s Coffee Catch Ups are an opportunity to connect regularly with a supportive network of people who understand childhood cancer.

The Value of Coffee Groups

Redkite’s Coffee Catch Ups are an opportunity to connect regularly with a supportive network of people who understand childhood cancer.


Tips for keeping the family connected during cancer 

A childhood cancer diagnosis can disrupt the family in many ways. Here are some ideas to help keep your family connected.

Tips for keeping the family connected during cancer 

A childhood cancer diagnosis can disrupt the family in many ways. Here are some ideas to help keep your family connected.


Telling people your child has cancer

Talking about cancer can be daunting. You may have fears about how people will react, and voicing it can make it feel more real somehow

Telling people your child has cancer

Talking about cancer can be daunting. You may have fears about how people will react, and voicing it can make it feel more real somehow

Family facing childhood cancer | Redkite


What do families experience when facing childhood cancer?

The childhood cancer experience is often described by families as a marathon, an emotional rollercoaster and an overwhelming time for all members of a family.

What do families experience when facing childhood cancer?

The childhood cancer experience is often described by families as a marathon, an emotional rollercoaster and an overwhelming time for all members of a family.


Things to do during the school holidays

These school holidays the kids can have fun and relax after a big term of school and parents can relax the routine and have more time to connect with their family.

Things to do during the school holidays

These school holidays the kids can have fun and relax after a big term of school and parents can relax the routine and have more time to connect with their family.

Family with a child who has cancer in the middle


How can Redkite help you?

Men are encouraged to show strength and can’t say if you’re struggling, but how should a man behave when his child is diagnosed with cancer?

How can Redkite help you?

Men are encouraged to show strength and can’t say if you’re struggling, but how should a man behave when his child is diagnosed with cancer?


My student has cancer: Information and resources for teachers

Teachers are an important part of a child and teenager’s life. They influence their students and help shape their futures.

My student has cancer: Information and resources for teachers

Teachers are an important part of a child and teenager’s life. They influence their students and help shape their futures.

Seeking support; what other parents say


Seeking support: what other parents say

Financial tips from parents and families for getting through their child’s cancer diagnosis and treatment.

Seeking support: what other parents say

Financial tips from parents and families for getting through their child’s cancer diagnosis and treatment.

Support for the Christmas and holiday season for families facing childhood cancer | Redkite


Ideas to help you get through the holiday season

No matter what the holiday season looks like for your family, here are some ideas that may help you through this time of year.

Ideas to help you get through the holiday season

No matter what the holiday season looks like for your family, here are some ideas that may help you through this time of year.


Why it can be hard to ask for help

If you are closely connected with or know a family whose child has been diagnosed with cancer, you may want to offer your help and support. There is a big difference in how comfortable people feel about offering help and asking for help.

Why it can be hard to ask for help

If you are closely connected with or know a family whose child has been diagnosed with cancer, you may want to offer your help and support. There is a big difference in how comfortable people feel about offering help and asking for help.


Other childhood cancer support services

A list of childhood cancer support services in Australia

Other childhood cancer support services

A list of childhood cancer support services in Australia


End of life

There are often a lot of questions about this time, and also a lot of decisions to be made.

End of life

There are often a lot of questions about this time, and also a lot of decisions to be made.

Childhood cancer and managing changing family relationships | Redkite


Childhood cancer and managing changing relationships with family and friends

Childhood cancer impacts each member of a family and all the different relationships in their life.

Childhood cancer and managing changing relationships with family and friends

Childhood cancer impacts each member of a family and all the different relationships in their life.


Tips for good communication around childhood cancer

Parents have shared their top tips to help you communicate with your family and your child’s treatment team.

Tips for good communication around childhood cancer

Parents have shared their top tips to help you communicate with your family and your child’s treatment team.

Case Studies

How children’s counselling provides a safe space for big feelings

A case study about how effective children’s counselling is in providing a safe place for children to express themselves

How children’s counselling provides a safe space for big feelings

A case study about how effective children’s counselling is in providing a safe place for children to express themselves


When your child isn’t going to get better

When your child isn’t going to get better is an eleven-page booklet written using the real experiences of bereaved parents.

When your child isn’t going to get better

When your child isn’t going to get better is an eleven-page booklet written using the real experiences of bereaved parents.


How to manage grief after they are gone

Everyone grieves in different ways. While your grief may be similar in some ways to other people’s, it will still be individual to you. It’s your own experience.

How to manage grief after they are gone

Everyone grieves in different ways. While your grief may be similar in some ways to other people’s, it will still be individual to you. It’s your own experience.

Tired stressed mother holding her baby


COVID-19: Family Tensions

The COVID-19 pandemic has had significant impacts on us all. It’s brought many unexpected stressors that can affect our lives in different ways.

COVID-19: Family Tensions

The COVID-19 pandemic has had significant impacts on us all. It’s brought many unexpected stressors that can affect our lives in different ways.


When your child has a friend with cancer

If your child’s friend is diagnosed with cancer, you might be wondering how this could impact your child.

When your child has a friend with cancer

If your child’s friend is diagnosed with cancer, you might be wondering how this could impact your child.

Tired stressed mother holding her baby



The COVID-19 pandemic has had significant impacts on us all. It’s brought many unexpected stressors that can affect our lives in different ways.


The COVID-19 pandemic has had significant impacts on us all. It’s brought many unexpected stressors that can affect our lives in different ways.

Mother looking out her window feeling isolated


COVID-19: Isolation and Social Connectedness

Isolation is one of the big changes almost everyone is experiencing in their lives right now. In times of stress, being disconnected from others can be particularly hard.

COVID-19: Isolation and Social Connectedness

Isolation is one of the big changes almost everyone is experiencing in their lives right now. In times of stress, being disconnected from others can be particularly hard.


Living without your child

Living without your child is a nine-page booklet written using the real experiences of bereaved parents about life after your child dies.

Living without your child

Living without your child is a nine-page booklet written using the real experiences of bereaved parents about life after your child dies.


By My Side: Stories from parents whose child has died from cancer

In this 3-minute video, we hear the experiences, feelings and opinions of bereaved parents who participated in a research study….

By My Side: Stories from parents whose child has died from cancer

In this 3-minute video, we hear the experiences, feelings and opinions of bereaved parents who participated in a research study….

Teenage girls laughing together


Your friendships and your cancer

Some friends you can talk to about anything and everything, but it can still be hard to tell your friends you’ve been diagnosed with cancer

Your friendships and your cancer

Some friends you can talk to about anything and everything, but it can still be hard to tell your friends you’ve been diagnosed with cancer


Childhood cancer: Managing strong emotions

Childhood cancer: Managing strong emotions

Receiving a test result, reaching a new milestone or making a change in your child’s treatment can all bring about strong emotions, both positive and negative.

Childhood cancer: Managing strong emotions

Childhood cancer: Managing strong emotions

Receiving a test result, reaching a new milestone or making a change in your child’s treatment can all bring about strong emotions, both positive and negative.



When your child dies

When your child dies is a nine-page booklet written using the real experiences of bereaved parents about life after your child dies.

When your child dies

When your child dies is a nine-page booklet written using the real experiences of bereaved parents about life after your child dies.

Grandfather holding grandson toddler by the swimming pool


When your grandchild has cancer

A storybook written for parents and carers to read with their children to help them understand what a tumour is and what treatment involves.

When your grandchild has cancer

A storybook written for parents and carers to read with their children to help them understand what a tumour is and what treatment involves.


Self-care during childhood cancer: what other parents say

Parents have shared their top tips for looking after your mental health when your child has been diagnosed with cancer.

Self-care during childhood cancer: what other parents say

Parents have shared their top tips for looking after your mental health when your child has been diagnosed with cancer.


Finishing cancer treatment

Finishing cancer treatment can also bring up unexpected feelings and responses. It takes time to adjust, and we’re here to support you.

Finishing cancer treatment

Finishing cancer treatment can also bring up unexpected feelings and responses. It takes time to adjust, and we’re here to support you.


‘Chin up’: Breaking down the barriers between men and support

Men are encouraged to show strength and can’t say if you’re struggling, but how should a man behave when his child is diagnosed with cancer?

‘Chin up’: Breaking down the barriers between men and support

Men are encouraged to show strength and can’t say if you’re struggling, but how should a man behave when his child is diagnosed with cancer?

My sibling has cancer | Redktie


My sibling has cancer

When your brother or sister is diagnosed with cancer, the world can suddenly become a very different place. Lots of things may change and you probably feel worried about your sibling, and maybe your family and yourself too.

My sibling has cancer

When your brother or sister is diagnosed with cancer, the world can suddenly become a very different place. Lots of things may change and you probably feel worried about your sibling, and maybe your family and yourself too.


Parenting a child with cancer

Parents go through a rollercoaster of emotions when their child is diagnosed with cancer. Below are some ideas on how you can support yourself and your family.

Parenting a child with cancer

Parents go through a rollercoaster of emotions when their child is diagnosed with cancer. Below are some ideas on how you can support yourself and your family.