KiteCrew App
The right help, at the right time makes all the difference.
You’ve got so much going on right now that managing it all might feel impossible. It can be hard to ask for help, but KiteCrew makes it easier.
KiteCrew is a simple app that organises all the practical support you need from your friends and family who want to help.
What is KiteCrew?
Turn offers of help into a ‘to do’ list
KiteCrew is a free app that helps you coordinate all the practical support you need to keep your household running during your child’s treatment. It makes reaching out to family and friends quick and easy.
The answer to “Let me know how I can help”
The KiteCrew app lists and shares tasks others can help you with. This can include walking the dog, helping with school pickups, or doing the laundry. You don’t have to do it all.
Pick your KiteCrew Captain
The person in charge of the app is the Captain. They’re someone who really knows you, who can help you coordinate what you need and organise your crew.
Let them do the work for you
Tell your Captain what you need. They will organise your crew and make sure things get done. Tasks can be given privately to a close circle, or open for any of your helpers to jump in.
How it works
Step 1
Download the app and invite your Captain
Step 2
Create a list of tasks with your Captain and let them know the people they can invite to join KiteCrew to be a helper.
Step 3
Step back and let them take care of it – they’ve got this!
If you need assistance downloading or using the app, please contact us or reach out to the help desk within the app.
Reach out to your captain today
Send them this link: