Our Support Line is open every weekday from 9am-7pm (AEST). Call us on 1800 733 548 or contact us
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Support with grief and bereavement

Whenever you need us, for as long as you need.

To access any of our services, call, email, or let us know your details and we’ll get in touch with you.

We know what you’re going through is impossible to put into words, but we want to share with you the ways we can help.

For anyone connected to a child who died because of cancer

Counselling and group support, no matter how long you’ve been bereaved

Financial assistance for carers

I was determined to come back to work. I wanted to get back to some sort of normality. None of my workmates understood me though. I wanted to know how come they say g’day but don’t ask ‘how are you really feeling mate?’


6 years bereaved

You can be yourself and talk about whatever you want or need with us. Whether it’s difficult feelings, other people’s expectations, or talking about your child, we will listen. You can cry, laugh, and swear – nothing is taboo. Our team offers bereavement counselling in person as well as by phone, video and email. 

If you’re experiencing financial stress you may be eligible for financial assistance in the year after your child has died.

What we can help with

Bills like phone, electricity and internet bills

Car registration and insurance

Rent and mortgage

Groceries and fuel

Financial Assistance for Funerals

We can contribute up to $1,500 towards the costs of your child’s funeral. As we cannot reimburse you directly, all you need to do is let us know the name of the funeral director and we will arrange payment.

If you have never connected with Redkite’s services before, call us or talk to your hospital social worker.

Get in touch with us with to find out more information.

Redkite hosts support groups for parents and carers who have a child that has died after a cancer diagnosis. Please view our calendar to see our upcoming events.

Prior to the group I honestly believed that I was broken and would just stay that way. Now I think part of my heart is broken but I am normal and feel like anyone would. That is a great gift.


Our support pack for recently bereaved families is our offer of care to you.

The books in this pack share the experiences of other bereaved parents in their own words to support you.

Redkite’s Book Club program includes a range of books on grief and bereavement to support you and your family. You can borrow them for free for as long as you like.

The Grief Rock by Natasha Daniels | Redkite Book Club

Palliative and bereavement books

The Grief Rock

A storybook written for parents and carers to read with their children to help them understand what a tumour is and what treatment involves.

The Grief Rock

A storybook written for parents and carers to read with their children to help them understand what a tumour is and what treatment involves.

Palliative and bereavement books

Love From Above

A storybook written for parents and carers to read with their children to help them understand what a tumour is and what treatment involves.

Love From Above

A storybook written for parents and carers to read with their children to help them understand what a tumour is and what treatment involves.

Palliative and bereavement books

Children grieve too – Helping children cope with Grief

A storybook written for parents and carers to read with their children to help them understand what a tumour is and what treatment involves.

Children grieve too – Helping children cope with Grief

A storybook written for parents and carers to read with their children to help them understand what a tumour is and what treatment involves.

Palliative and bereavement books

The Invisible String, Patrice Karst

A storybook written for parents and carers to read with their children to help them understand what a tumour is and what treatment involves.

The Invisible String, Patrice Karst

A storybook written for parents and carers to read with their children to help them understand what a tumour is and what treatment involves.

Palliative and bereavement books

Badger’s Parting gifts

A storybook written for parents and carers to read with their children to help them understand what a tumour is and what treatment involves.

Badger’s Parting gifts

A storybook written for parents and carers to read with their children to help them understand what a tumour is and what treatment involves.

Palliative and bereavement books

What on Earth Do You Do When Someone Dies?, Trevor Romain

A storybook written for parents and carers to read with their children to help them understand what a tumour is and what treatment involves.

What on Earth Do You Do When Someone Dies?, Trevor Romain

A storybook written for parents and carers to read with their children to help them understand what a tumour is and what treatment involves.

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Contact us for more information or to access any of our services

Learn more

Request information And support

We’re ready to help. Please call us on 1800 REDKITE (Mon – Fri 9am – 7pm AEST), or fill out the form below.

    Services interested in:

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    Financial Support

    Financial Assistance for Funerals

    A contribution to your child’s funeral costs

    Financial Assistance for Funerals

    A contribution to your child’s funeral costs

    Practical stuff

    JobAccelerator, powered by Hudson

    A personalised program to help you achieve your employment goals

    JobAccelerator, powered by Hudson

    A personalised program to help you achieve your employment goals

    What's On

    Coffee Groups for bereaved parents and carers

    Regular virtual coffee groups for bereaved families

    Coffee Groups for bereaved parents and carers

    Regular virtual coffee groups for bereaved families



    When your child dies

    When your child dies is a nine-page booklet written using the real experiences of bereaved parents about life after your child dies.

    When your child dies

    When your child dies is a nine-page booklet written using the real experiences of bereaved parents about life after your child dies.